Dahab has proven to be so cool that we have decided to stay here for an extra couple of weeks or so.
The snorkelling / diving is amazing. There is a place here called the Blue Hole and you can go swimming with all these tropical fishes around some awesome coral. Everyone is so easy going here that they just give you snorkels and flippers and stuff to use. Cheap enough to. Much like the prices in Bangkok.
So we have already booked some trips into Jordan and Israel. Why not huh?
Now, some travellers tips that I have figured out up till now.
- Washing your clothes is so expensive it just isnt funny. You are looking at aroun $15 - $20 for a single load. What the heck
- Internet is also another big money grabber. For Europe it costs around $8 for an hour of internet. You have to be really efficient when logging onto the net.
- Plastic bags are a life saver. For washing, dirty stuff, alcohol bottles etc.
- It pays to be nice to people all the time. Especially in places like Egypt here where they all talk about you behind your back and everyone knows every goings on in the town.
- Take a lot of Electrolites when travelling to places like this.
- Weigh up all travel options before jumping into things. The way we are doing it now we are basically not showing up to our return flight back to Amsterdam. It might seem stupid to just not turn up to a flight but we cant cancel it and it would work out cheaper for us to stay here than in Europe. It would have cost us 100 Euro to get from Amsterdam to Berlin by train with us having to sleep in an airport or somewhere for 8 hours in between. With this extended stay it has cost us 200 euro to fly directly into Berlin from Cairo with around 250 Euro saved on accomodation.
and we get our own room here and stuff and none of this bullshit dorm room crap.
Good times