Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another post in such short a time. If only people read it. Haha

So this morning I had to wake up at 2am to catch a 3 hour bus trip to a temple way the hell out near the Serbian border. The polish chicks didnt want to come because 2 was just too early for them.

So you can imagine the bus. About 12 seats in it, little to no leg room and a driver who had about 50 different ring tones on his phone adn I got to listen to them all. Haha. It was a bit of an adventure.

We got to the temple called Abu Simble at around 7am and spent about 2 hours there. Pretty sick temple. Statues about 20 metres high on each side as you walk through the doors. Another three hours back and I am now aboard a cruise ship getting ready for two days of 'cruisin' down the Nile.

Guts have been getting a bit dodgy lately. Nothing too serious and I am looking out for what I am eating but you still get the old gripe every now and then. I am too afraid to fart sometimes.