Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The End is Nigh

So, we have five more days of London Living, and leaving has been tough. So many 'catch ups' and final goodbyes to get done, its a miracle we actually have had time to pack and organise our trip. The trip itself (flying Qantas to Bangkok - I know!) is seeming more and more realisable by the day following the news that has been happening as of late. Instead of Qantas, we are with BA (super) and instead of Bangkok, we are getting an Air Asia flight to Chang Mai (double super). Hopefully it should all work out in time.

Anyway, as this is my last official UK based blog, I have decided to summarise the last couple of years of living in a numeric value list. Here goes:

- We have spent a total of 19 months living in the UK. Minor to some, major to others. Wouldn't have traded in the whole experience for anything. Like most things, it takes a bit to get into but when you are set up the world, or at least Europe, is your oyster.
- I have spent roughly £2413 on my travel cards to get my into work each day. Not joking
- Having spent that money, I have also spent roughly 1110 hours nestled between some dudes armpit and reading the back of some other dudes newspaper whilst on my daily two hour commute to work. Also not joking
- In an office of roughly 20 staff, I have seen around 40 staff members come and go, and I have become the 3rd longest serving employee at the firm behind the two directors that started it. The power I now hold, about to be thwarted.
- Worked on a number of different projects, 2 of which are under construction, and a further 5 at planning stage. Projects ranging from £1,000,000 to £12,000,000 construction costs.
- Lived with 13 different flatmates (small for London) in the one flat.
- Visited roughly 748,229 different pubs around London, consuming 345,343,695,234 litres of beer. Give or take.
- Spent at least 1 day a week at the local 'Park Tavern' pub where we lived in an attic space for a month upon arrival.
- Spent £245.50 at Poundland (figure that one out)
- Spent £2019 on 2-4-1 cocktails at Slug and Lettuce
- Been to Camden (around an hour and 15 min) journey for lunch about 20 times. 
- Made a heap of friends and acquaintances who I hope will always stay in touch. No specific numbers there but worthy of a mention.
- Travelled to 35 countries with more to come.
- The 1 best trip of my stay in London (ie: not including the places I had visited prior to living here) goes to ............. New York, with Oktoberfest coming a close second. The Spanish festival rounding out the top three.
- Still haven't seen the Tower of London, located at Tower Hill, EC3, London EC3N 4AB

So there we have it. I was racking my brain for more numbers I could throw facts at, but I am pretty sure the 345,343,695,234 litres of beer have affected my memory. I am actually looking forward to this trip around Asia just so I can dry out. When I sneeze, beer comes out.

We officially leave London on Monday and will arrive in Thailand on the Tuesday. From there we have a one month Intrepid tour around Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia before a few weeks spent chilling on a Thai Island - Ko Chang. Then its Christmas, and then its job hunting. If anyone out there knows of work going in Melbourne, I would love to know. Looking for employment around the start of 2012. I can email CV's and portfolios at the blink of an eye.

I finish up work here on the Friday (desperate for the cash) and have pretty much every waking moment booked in to see people off. If anyone is ever thinking of taking the step and living in London, or even travelling to some of the places I have seen (refer map at bottom of page or list in sidebar), drop us an email and I will see what I can do to help out. I can defintaley recommend the best place to live in London - Southfields. Holla!!!!!
Right, I had better make my way to this final site meeting and talk through some service stacks. See you on the other side - Thailand that is. I have my wetsuit primed.

Adios London. Thanks for all the fish.