If you are as eager to get to this website to find out what I have been up to as my Mum is, you would notice that I have updated that old, pathetic layout for a new, more streamlined version.
Choice huh.
Check out this photo do-hickey right here ---------------------------------------------->
(Note: arrow will be of no use, once next blog is posted)
Go on, click on it.
Not bad huh?
I will be uploading more photos to my flickr account periodically (once a month if I decide Im too cheap to afford Flickr Pro).
By the way. If you hover over it you will see a rnage of photos show up at the bottom. By clicking the small expand button to the left of the photos, you will see them in glorious full screen view. Nice
There is also a search bar at the bottom, just in case you want to relive past travel stories with me.
And you will notice a travel map at the bottom too which lists cities and countries travelled to.
By the way. If anyone is on gmail, this blog comes through like a email message through the Buzz tab - it basically means you know when I have updated the thing, instead of having to check it at periodic intervals.
Cool - let me know what you think