OK. Moved into the new flat yesterday. Had a bit of a BBQ / Drinking session to kick things off which turned into a massive booze up. There was only a few of us but we polughed through enough alcohol to make people looking through our rubbish bins think that a rugby team had been there.
The flat is nice and the flatmates are nice. Went shopping to get sheets and the likes and fully unpacked everything so it is good to not live out of the suitcase anymore. You get over that stuff pretty quickly.
The other weekend Renee and I checked out Camden and went through the markets. Crazy place with heaps of small alleyways leading off to vintage clothing shops and so forth. You can get anything there. It is a bit more alternative than the rest of London so there are heaps of mohawks, peircings, fishenets and tatts.
Cool place though.
There is a bank holiday coming up in 2 weeks time so we are planning to do a day trip that will encompass visiting Salisbury, Bath and Stonehenge. Should be fun for a day, although I hear Stonehenge aint all its cracked up to be.
Chatting with Tara (a girl we went on Contiki with other here) and we have decided to plan a holiday for the new years break that will see us in Times Square for the big night and then to Vegas as an afterparty. Flights to the states, in particular Vegas with a stopover in New York are around the 200-300 pound mark (return) so that is crazy cheap considering I should be able to save around 200 pound per week on my salary.
Work is going well. Found out my boss lives over the road from me. London is a fairly small town after all.
Oh yeah, by the way. If you dont have it already, my UK number is 07 896 043 539 or if you want to get in contact from overseas (say NZ) then it is +44 7 896 043 539. Cool. We have internet all set up here so I can begin to do some skype dates soon.
All good. Will be checking in shortly after our visit to Salisbury and stuff so check back in 2 weeks or so.
P.S. Man. They closed all the airports over her and air travel is a state of anarchy. Lucky I aint travelling anywhere shortly but my mate Yifan is stuck in New York and cant get back. Poor bugger. Hope it sorts itself out soon cos I wanna fly to Portugal and Turkey. Holla