Well. We left London a day ago and it was pretty sad. Such a nice place and nice people we were staying with.
The flight to Bangkok was fine. I basically went unconcious because of my cold that I had and slept through most of the flight. Booya.
In bangkok now. I love this place. Took the cab driver over 2 hours to drive us from the airport to our hotel (new airport too - really nice architecture) and we paid him the equivilant of $8 each. Insane. I gave him a $4 tip because I thought why the hell not and the guy got so happy and was shaking my hand and stuff.
Already brought 6 CD's. So sweet.
If anyone wantsa me to get them any cds or anything then send me an email real quick because I will only be checking them one more time before I head home. You can basically get anything you want. I think that goes for DVD's as well. Oh yeah and they have random compilations likle the best of Snow Patrol, and the best of James Blunt (hasn't he only had 1 album?).
We have got no room left in our bags for purchases so we are throwing out some of our old clothes.
About to hit the mall district, get on the piss tonight and head to the floating markets tomorrow and as well as the grand palace.
New photos up on Ringo!!!!