Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Countdown Begins

And, as all things start, so they must finish. We are officially leaving the land of Mary Poppins, fish & chips, bad teeth and worse weather. ETA - 8 weeks now. Not to say we are really overjoyed with this decision. Visas, in all their glory, come with time restrictions and this is what is dictating our departure.
So, we have a lot of things to sort out and yes, one more small trip - that being the mighty Oktoberfest.

Since our trip to Morroco we decided to head over to Paris for a quick weekend to catch up the parents and also see that big tower for perhaps one last time (nothing s definite). Paris was great, as always. I do love that city. It was good that we had been there a few times before and could just spend the weekend relaxing and checking out a few things we hadnt thought to see yet. Like possibly the best cemetary I have ever seen. It housed the remains of quite a few names that have passed away over the years, including the likes of Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde. We got baguettes and strolled the aisles.




Wine is dirt cheap in France. A few bottles of red tolling up a 5 euro bill. We grabbed a few and headed out to the eiffel tower for some refreshments, consumed within its shade. It was all very relaxing, apart from the janglers that try to sell flashing, scaled down versions of the tower standing a few feet away. Caught up with Poms and Bridget there and went out for dinner. Turns out every restaurant in the city was out of snails. We settled for steaks.


Dark Tower, Paris France



Le Grande Arche, Paris, France


The follwing weekend was a long weekend (god bless bank holidays) so we headed out to Richmond Park; a massive stretch of land effectively still located in London that is adorned with herds of deer, foxes and other woodland creatures. It was a pretty cool area but it all got too much and we ended up at the pub, downing beers and eating chips with garlic mayo.

Last weekend was Renee's birthday so we went out for a fantastuc steak at this place: It was pretty hard out. The steak was just a peice of meat on a plate. No garnishings or anything. We decided to get the triple cooked fries as a side.
"Whats the triple cooked fries all about then? What are they? I asked inquistively.
"They are fries that have been cooked three times" the waitress replied
"Oh I see, the fries are cooked three times! I should have figured that out from the name"

Yesterday, the office was treated to a day out in Cambridge courtesy of our bosses. It was superb, starting with myself and Kieran (another kiwi) deciding to head down early to watch the world cup opening match (Go Dagg). We then went punting along the river cam, which winds it way through all the old and  prestigous university grounds. Lunch was at a Jamie Oliver restaurant and then we ended up at a pub, which we didnt think would happen.

That about brings you all up to speed. Going to Arsenal vs Swansea now (perks of specifying doors through a compnay that has season tickets). On the way back to Australia we have sorted out a 6 week long trip through South East Asia. Actually, must get round to sorting out those visas....